Patrick speaks with Evan Kruger of SolidTops.

Direct download: ST044EvanKruger.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 7:00am PST

Patrick speaks with Rich Katzmann of Laser Products.

Direct download: ST043RichKatzmann.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 9:40am PST

Patrick speaks with Scott Lardner of Rocky Mountain Stone.

Direct download: ST042ScottLarner.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 6:00am PST

Patrick speaks with Ryan Olson and Dan O’Keefe of Job Well Done

Direct download: ST041RyanOlsonDanOKeefe.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 7:00am PST

Patrick speaks with Jon Lancto of Artisan Group

Direct download: ST040JonLancto.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 10:59am PST

Patrick speaks with Mike Schlough and Rob Bromley of Park Industries (recorded in March 2017)

Direct download: ST039MikeRobParkIndustries.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 12:01pm PST

Patrick speaks with Vinny Tavares of Pacific Shore Stones and Jesse Miller of Integrity Enterprises about buying stone direct.

Direct download: ST038VinnyTavaresJesseMiller.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 1:29pm PST

Patrick speaks with Aaron Dahnke of MIA+BSI - The Natural Stone Institute (recorded late 2016)

Direct download: ST037AaronDahnke.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 11:39am PST

Patrick speaks with Scott Edwards and Marty Medina of Data Bridge Integrations

Direct download: ST036ScottEdwardsMartyMedina.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 10:59am PST

Patrick speaks with Jim Hieb of MIA

Direct download: ST035JimHieb.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 5:00am PST

Patrick speaks with Carmina Mendez of AMC Countertops. 

Direct download: ST034CarminaMendez.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Patrick speaks with Kyle Williams of Earth Elements


Direct download: ST033KyleWilliams.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Patrick speaks with Gerry VanderBas of Breton USA

Direct download: ST032GerryVanderBas.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 12:49pm PST

Patrick speaks with Richard Ashoff of TylerCo

Direct download: ST031RichardAshoff.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Patrick speaks with Blake Christensen of Valley View Granite

Direct download: ST030BlakeChristensen.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 10:32am PST

Patrick speaks with Geoffrey Gran, Owner of The Countertop Factory Midwest

Direct download: ST029GeoffreyGran.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 1:27pm PST

Patrick speaks with Kyle Carpenter, Founder of

Direct download: ST028KyleCarpenter.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 12:57pm PST

Patrick speaks with Chuck Russo, President of Baca

Direct download: ST027ChuckRusso.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 6:50pm PST

Patrick speaks with Karen Rothenberg, founder of Natural Stone Motif, Inc

Direct download: ST026KarenRothenberg.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 4:00am PST

Patrick speaks with Ed Hill, Synchronous Solutions

Direct download: ST025EdHill.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 12:14pm PST

Patrick speaks with Brian Johnson of Johnson Granite in North Carolina

Direct download: ST024BrianJohnson.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 12:42pm PST

Patrick speaks with Jeremy Mathison, CEO of Western Marble & Tile Ltd.

Direct download: Stonetalk_23_-_Jeremy_Mathison.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 6:40pm PST

Patrick speaks with Jeremiah Rivers, CEO of Rivers' Edge Countertops in Oklahoma

Direct download: ST022Jeremiah_RIvers.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 5:17pm PST

Patrick speaks with Scott Hanes, owner of Majestic Marble & Granite in Orlando, Florida

Direct download: ST021Scott_Hanes.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 6:22am PST

Patrick speaks with Terrance Jacobs of TCL Asset Group

Direct download: ST020TerrenceJacobs.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 6:39am PST

Patrick speaks with Dave Scott, owner of Slabworks of Montana

Direct download: ST019DaveScott.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 4:37pm PST

Patrick speaks with homeowner Steven Blakey about his experience buying new countertops (part of an overall kitchen remodel)

Direct download: ST018StevenBlakey.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 2:00am PST

Patrick speaks with Marty Gould of The Customer Store, a marketing consultant and popular speaker at stone events

Direct download: ST017MartyGould.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 7:00am PST

Patrick speaks with Jordany Nunes from NF Granite in Mississippi

Direct download: ST016JordanyNunes.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 7:32am PST

Patrick speaks with Joe Alva, Chief Design Engineer at Poseidon Stone Equipment (

Direct download: ST015JoeAlva.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 12:31pm PST

Patrick speaks with Keith Haight, Executive Director of ISFA, the International Surface Fabricators Association.

Direct download: ST014KeithHaight.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 7:34am PST

Patrick speaks with Dave Paxton of Paxton Countertops and Showers - a growing fabricator in Grand Ledge, Michigan.

Direct download: ST013DavePaxton.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 7:11am PST

Patrick speaks with Roderick Bley of Fabricator's Choice - a consulting company that helps fabricators with all aspects of their businesses.

Direct download: ST012RoderickBley.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 2:00am PST

In this episode, Patrick speaks with Jason Nottestad, International Sourcing Manager for VT Industries, a laminate manufacturer and hard surface fabricator with nationwide reach.

Direct download: ST011JasonNottestad.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 2:47pm PST

Patrick speaks with Scott Edwards and Marty Medina from VPN Systems, a systems integrator that builds custom solutions for the countertop industry. 

Direct download: ST010Scott-Marty.mp3
Category:Other Interview -- posted at: 3:52pm PST

In this episode, Patrick speaks with Harry Hollander and Ted Pitts, the cofounders of Moraware. The three were in Boston for a software conference.

Direct download: ST009Ted-Harry.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 11:32am PST

In this episode, Patrick speaks with Paul Menninger, owner of Capitol Granite, a very successful fabricator based in Virginia. Paul explains why it's crucial to measure key performance indicators as your business 

Direct download: ST008PaulMenninger.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 7:01am PST

In this episode, Patrick speaks with Mike Langenderfer, owner of The Countertop Shop in Ohio. Mike praises ISFA's Million Dollar Mentor program and says that his mentor helped him turn his business around.

Direct download: ST007MikeLangenderfer.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Patrick speaks with Nate Charles, head of sales for K&D Countertops in Maine - in StoneTalk Episode 6

Direct download: ST006NateCharles.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 11:09am PST

Patrick chats with Sasha Shtern, founder of multiple countertop-related businesses, including Lazy Granite and

Direct download: ST005SashaShtern.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 6:46am PST

In this episode, Patrick chats with Russ Berry, President of ASST, a commercial fabricator and manufacturer based in Pennsylvania that creates beautiful, sculptural surfaces for its customers. Russ has a Masters of Fine Arts in Sculpture and a reputation for hiring great people.

Direct download: ST004RussBerry.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 8:33am PST

In this episode, Patrick chats with Ted Sherritt of FLOFORM Countertops. Ted joined Floform in 1995 as VP of Finance and became President and CEO five years later. Since then, he has helped grow the company into one of the biggest fabricators in Western Canada and the Pacific Northwest of the United States.

Direct download: ST003TedSherritt.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 8:00am PST

In this episode, Patrick speaks with Liz Tambasco. For the last couple of dacades, Liz has worked in the surface industry in a variety of roles and companies. Her vast experience gives her a unique perspective - especially on sales and how to grow your business. She's currently a semi-retired consultant to our industry, based in New York.

Direct download: ST002LizTambasco.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 7:13pm PST

In this inaugural episode of StoneTalk, Patrick chats with Aaron Crowley, founder of Crowley's Granite Concepts, a stone fabricator in Oregon with a great business and a great reputation to match. Aaron is also a successful inventor and writer who wants to help other business people succeed - especially stone fabricators. You can learn about Aaron's book at and you can learn about his line of fabricator gear at

Direct download: ST001AaronCrowley.mp3
Category:Fabricator Interview -- posted at: 11:49am PST

StoneTalk is the podcast for countertop fabricators, hosted by Patrick Foley from Moraware

Our goal is to create a new way for countertop fabricators to learn from each other and from other key players in the industry.

Subscribe to StoneTalk from your mobile device so that you can listen in the car or at the gym. Then join in the conversation by commenting on a specific episode or on facebook or twitter. We'll also announce upcoming interviews on facebook and twitter - chime in to let us know what questions you'd like us to ask of our guests.

If you'd like to be interviewed for an episode of StoneTalk or would like to suggest someone, email Patrick and explain why.

StoneTalk is brought to you by Moraware, makers of JobTracker scheduling software and CounterGo estimating software for countertop fabricators.

Thanks for listening! Let us know what you think!


Category:news -- posted at: 9:17am PST

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Hosted by Patrick Foley




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